Wellbeing In School
It is critical that wellbeing in school is good to enable all members of the school community to flourish including children, parents and staff.
For the purpose of this page we have split the support for children into universal support that all children will benefit from and targeted support that some children may need at some time.
If you think your child would benefit from any of the targeted support below please contact your child's teacher.
Wellbeing For All Children (Universal Support)
Zones of Regulation
Zones of Regulation is a strategy used with all children. We teach children about how they may feel in different parts of the day and what they can do if they are feeling in a certain way. Some parents find it useful to talk about the Zones of Regulation at home. If you would like a copy of the ZOR poster to use at home click here.

Personal, Social and Heath Education
We teach children PSHE through the Jigsaw scheme. The areas we cover in PSHE include:
- Being Me
- Celebrating Differences
- Dreams and Goals
- Healthy Me
- Relationships
- Changing Me
We use the Jigsaw resources to teach children high quality PSHE which will support their wellbeing.
To find out more about Jigsaw click here
To find out more about PSHE Click here. (Market Rasen C of E Link) (Nettleton Community Link)
Policies to Support Wellbeing
We have many policies in place to ensure wellbeing in school. These include:
- Ensuring Excellent Attendance Policy
- Anti- Bullying Policy
- Behaviour Policy
- E-Safety Policy
- Peer on Peer Abuse Policy
To view these and other polices that have a positive impact on wellbeing please click here (Market Rasen C of E Link) (Nettleton Community Link)
We know the importance of transition as children continue their learning journey through our school. We work hard to ensure the following transition stages.
- Pre-School to School
- EYFS to Key Stage One
- Key Stage One to Key Stage Two
- End of Key Stage Two to Secondary School
Wellbeing For Some Children (Targeted Support)
Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSA)
Several members of staff have been trained as Emotional Literacy Support Assistants. Typically children who need some emotional support will be referred to our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator or Parent Support Advisor who will review the referral and arrange a block of emotional support. The areas covered in ELSA include:
- Anxiety and Worries
- Resilience
- Social Skills
- Bereavement and Loss
- Friendship Skills
- Emotions
- Managing Strong Feelings
- Self Esteem
Young Carers
We know that we have a number of children who have a caring responsibility at home. Our Young Carer lead, Mrs Danielle Callis, has oversight of our children who are young carers and arranges the following support.
- Information Packs for Parents
- Signposting to external support
- Regular Check Ins with our Young Carers if the child and parent feels this may be helpful
- Promoting Young Carers
Information from Lincolnshire Country council for support for young carers can be found here.
Mental Health First Aiders
We have several members of staff who are trained mental health first aiders. If a child is in crisis their training will be called upon in the first instance to support the child
Sensory Circuits
We have members of staff who are trained in Sensory Circuits. This is a process where through activity we stimulate children sensory motor-skills to get them ready for learning.
Click here to find out more about Sensory Circuits
Other Support Available
- Lego Therapy
- Social Stories
- Socially Speaking Intervention
- Meet and Greet
- Pastoral Support Plans
- Circle Of Friends
Online Wellbeing Resources For Parents
You will find a range of resources for parents below. If you want to discuss any of the topics listed below please contact the school.
Link to the sleep charity with ideas and support for getting better sleep for children and young people
Positive Psychology Mindfulness Activities For Children
Child Line Calm Zone Tool Box
Positive Mental Health
Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAHMS) Advice and Self Referral

Link To NHS Every Mind Matters For Child Mental Health
Link to BCC Five Ways To Help Children's Wellbeing
Link To Youngminds.Co.Uk Looking After Yourself
Dangers of Vaping
Vaping Factsheet Jan 22 Update
Staff Wellbeing
Our staff are our most valuable resource and as such we strive to improve wellbeing for them.
We have a range of strategies to improve staff wellbeing in school which can be seen in the document below.
Staff Wellbeing Document
We buy into the Lincolnshire County Council Employee Wellbeing and Support Service to provide external support for all staff if it is needed. They can be contacted using the following details.
Lincolnshire County Council Employee Support
National Organisations For Wellbeing Support