Federation Kitchen
We installed our Federation kitchen in September of 2015. We now serve around 50,000 meals a year to our Federated schools and a local pre-school.
Food Hygiene Rating
On our last inspection (October 2023) our Federation kitchen retained the 5 star hygiene rating.
Click on the image below for the full report from WLDC.

As we have had four 5 star hygiene ratings (all inspections since we opened the kitchen) we have been awarded the elite award.

Menus and Allergy Lists
All of our menus are
school food standards compliant and are checked by the Federation Governing Body. Please see below the delicious offering for this term.
Summer Term 2024/2025 Menu (Rated Gold Standard by Lincolnshire County Council)
Autumn Term 2024/2025 Menu (Rated Gold Standard by Lincolnshire County Council)
Summer Term 2023/2024 Menu (Rated Gold Standard by Lincolnshire County Council)
Spring Term 2023/2024 Menu (Rated Gold Standard by Lincolnshire County Council)
Autumn Term 2023/2024 Menu (Rated Gold Standard by Lincolnshire County Council)
Summer Term 2022/2023 Menu (Rated Gold Standard by Lincolnshire County Council)
Spring Term 2022/2023 Menu (Rated Gold Standard by Lincolnshire County Council)
In 2014 a new legislation called Food for Consumers Regulations (EU FIC) came into force. This legislation affects all businesses who serve or sell food. Below you can find the allergens that can be found in our menus. If your child is allergic to any of the allergens in the menus please contact us so we can discuss how we can accommodate this.
HAF Easter 2025 Menu including Allergens
HAF Summer 2024 Menu
HAF Summer 2024 Allergen Menu
HAF Easter 2024 Allergen Information
Summer Term 2023/2024 Allergen List
Spring Term 2023/2024 Allergen List
HAF Winter 2023 Allergen Information
Autumn Term 2023/2024 Allergen List
Summer Term 2022/2023 Allergen List
Spring 2022/2023 Allergen List
All of our menus are now checked by the Lincolnshire County Council Food in Schools team and we are pleased to report they have been judged as compliant with the school food standards, The certificate can be found below.
Spring Term 2024 Food Compliance Certificate Gold Standard
Autumn Term 2023 Food Compliance Certificate Gold Standard
Summer Term 2023 Food Compliance Certificate Gold Standard
Spring Term 2023 Food Compliance Certificate Gold Standard
Summer Term 2022 Food Compliance Certificate Gold Standard
Autumn Term 2022 Food Compliance Certificate: Gold Standard

Menu Inspiration
Our in house catering team have worked really hard to produce healthy, tasty and fun food for all children to enjoy. These menus have been given the LCC Gold Certification.
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Meat Free Monday
Good for the environment and lots of added (hidden!) plant based protein and tasty vegetables. |
Classic School Favourites
We've listened to the children and given them what they love
Tastes from around the Globe.
Developing children's taste buds to enjoy cuisine from around the world.
Roast Dinner
Always a firm favourite!
Fish Friday!
Fish is the dish of the day.
Meal Pricing
Meals are free for all children in Reception, Year One and Year Two. We prefer all children in these year groups to take the provided meals as they are healthier than packed lunch alternatives and there is a lot of evidence to suggest that children who have a hot, nutritionally balanced meal at lunchtime learn and behave better in the afternoon. It also saves money for parents; it is estimated that providing a daily packed lunch costs around £400 per year.
If you child is in Key Stage Two (Years Three, Four, Five and Six) and are entitled to Free School Meals then their meal will be provided at no cost.
If your child is in Key Stage Two and is not entitled to Free School Meals then the daily cost is £2.40.
Free School Meals
Some children are eligible for Free School Meals in Key Stage Two. If you are in receipt of any of these benefits below your child may be eligible for Free School Meals.
- Income Support
- income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- the guaranteed element of Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
- Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
- Universal Credit - if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)
- Children who get paid these benefits directly, instead of through a parent or guardian, can also get free school meals.
Please note: If you, or your partner, receive any working tax credits you will not be entitled to free school meals.
If you wish to apply please contact the school office who will talk you through the process.
Ordering Hot Meals
Ordering a meal is easy using our on-line ordering system. If you don't have access to a computer please contact the office who will place the order for you. You should have received a letter with your log in details to enable you to order. If you don't have your log in details please contact us and we will happily supply you with them.
All meals need to be ordered on the preceding Monday to the food being served. E.G Orders for Monday 21st of September will need to be placed by Monday 14th of September. Please note that we are not able to take late order as stock orders are done in advance.
To order a meal just click here.
Market Rasen C of E Primary School Nettleton Community Primary School

Packed Lunches
We do prefer children to have hot school meals in school however some children prefer packed lunches. To ensure that packed lunches are as healthy as they can be we have a packed lunch policy.
Packed Lunch Policy